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Our Legal Notice
Terms and Conditions
Privacy Policy

Presentation of the Site

Under Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the site are informed of the identity of the various stakeholders within the framework of its realization and its follow-up:



Limited liability company, registered with the RCS of Saint Denis de La Réunion under number 898 795 810.

Headquarters: 97 rue Cendragon 97460 Saint Paul (Reunion Island) 

SIRET number: 898 795 810 00016





Publication manager  : AM STUDIO CREATIF SARL

The publication manager is a natural person or a legal person.



The publisher undertakes to respect all the laws concerning the establishment and activity of a website.

Anyone connecting to undertakes not to use this site for purposes that are illicit or prohibited by law or by the legal and contractual notices.

The publisher implements all the means necessary for the accuracy and updating of the information published on the site and reserves the right to correct its content at any time and without notice.


Host  : WIX.COM

PO Box 40190 San Francisco, CA

United States.


Our Privacy Policy

The personal information requested is exclusively intended for the AM STUDIO CRÉATIF agency to process your files and  keep you informed of news and novelties via our Newsletter. The data collected will be communicated to the following recipient only: AM STUDIO CRÉATIF whose full contact details are mentioned above.
In accordance with European regulations on the protection of personal data, the agency  AM STUDIO CRÉATIF undertakes to keep this personal data, unless there is a legal or regulatory obligation to the contrary, for a maximum period of three years from the last contact with the Internet user, whether at the initiative of the AM STUDIO agency. CREATIVE or the Internet user (eg sending the newsletter). You have the rights to query, access, modify, oppose and rectify your personal data upon request by email (, indicating your email address, your name , your first name, your telephone number and your postal address as well as a copy of your identity card. You can unsubscribe from our Newsletter at any time using the unsubscribe link or by contacting us by email (


Hypertext links and “Cookies”

The creation of hypertext links to the site is subject to the prior agreement of the co-managers of AM STUDIO CRÉATIF. Cookies facilitate navigation and / or the provision of the services offered by the site . This information allows improve the content of the site and your browsing experience. Unless you decide to disable cookies, you agree that the site can use them. You can deactivate these cookies at any time free of charge using the deactivation options offered to you by your browser, knowing that this may reduce or prevent accessibility to all or part of the services offered by the site.


Use of photo credits

The original photos from were purchased from Adobe Stock Images and Unsplash.  These images have been customized and modified by AM STUDIO CRÉATIF SARL. All rights reserved.


Copyright Information

The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data and any other component of the site, by any process or medium whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes, without authorization from the Directors , a counterfeit. Any unauthorized use of the site or any of these elements it contains will be considered as such and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. 

AM Studio Créatif


Located in Reunion, AM Studio Créatif specializes in comprehensive brand/web design and digital marketing solutions. Our services cater to entrepreneurs, course creators, and businesses seeking consistent monthly marketing support. We offer a range of tailored services including graphic design, custom logos & branding, website development, and management, social media strategy & content creation, community management, VA and funnel building services. With innovative content creation, and comprehensive digital strategy planning for both web and print, we elevate your brand's online presence with our holistic, results-driven approach. Book a Free Brand Audit Today.

© 2024 AM Studio Créatif, LLC.

All rights reserved.

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