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Here are our 3 done-for-you solutions to create your website


" Visibility"

on offer for 1577 € 

(instead of €1,970)

Professional Business Site

3 Pages



for 2477 €

eCommerce website

1 to 50 products



on offer for 3477 €

eCommerce website

50 to 100 products

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Accelerate the growth of your business with an authentic and efficient website

Digital communication is a

powerful tool

serving your entrepreneurial goals...

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your website is its heart.

Web Packs are our done-for-you solutions to create THE website you need.


The website you are proud of. The one that looks like you. And above all… the one that propels your business to the top of its results in terms of growth and visibility on the Web.

The majority of professional websites go unnoticed


Over 90% of entrepreneurs consider their online presence essential to their business.

It is a reality: today, if a company does not have a website, it (almost) does not exist in the eyes of the general public.

What is your first action when you want to learn more about a company?

You search for it in Google. After that? You look at his page and you judge the quality of the content to establish your confidence or trust in the brand.

Imagine if you see photos of poor quality, spelling or grammar errors in the texts or pages with an outdated design?

What would be your reaction if you have a hard time finding this website or worse, if it does not appear in the first few pages of Google at all? You will never contact this business. 

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Now imagine the other way around...

In a few clicks you find the site of the company you are looking for on the search engine.

You arrive on a website which is beautiful and

well crafted

which highlights the messages, expertise and graphic universe of this strong business. 

You immediately want to become a client.

In the era of the digital economy, your website is the flagship element of your marketing strategy... but not if it is poorly designed. And unfortunately, the majority of professional websites are poorly optimized, poorly referenced or visually very unattractive.

It is not enough to have a website to be both credible and visible on the Internet.

For your website to be a real added value for your business, it must be:  

  • the reflection of your brand universe, your values, your identity and therefore the quality of your products or services,

  • optimized for natural referencing SEO under penalty of going completely unnoticed in the eyes of Google and therefore of Internet users,

  • well written, visually attractive and ergonomic, i.e. fluid in use, otherwise you will scare your visitors away,

  • free of technical problems or obsolete functionalities that mar its power,

  • accessible and optimized for mobile Internet (responsive),

  • able to give you valuable information about your visitors so that you can convert them into prospects and then into customers.


Your website must combine Webdesign and SEO Optimization to make a difference.

Having a quality website mainly allows you to:

  • Increase your brand awareness and convey a better professional image,

  • Arouse the interest of Internet users and capture their attention,

  • Passively convert your prospects into customers,

  • Sustainably increase your visibility on the Internet but also locally,

  • Build customer loyalty and develop your audience,

  • Disseminate information about you and your products or services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,

  • Save time by automating answers to frequently asked questions by your future customers.

And to achieve these results, there is no secret. We must create high quality web content! 

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We know that investing is complicated... even for the success of your own business. 

Surely you think you can DIY your own website on a CMS (content management system?

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If you've tried it before, you know it's very time consuming.


Between the choice of models, the drafting and integration of content, the choice and optimization of visuals, referencing, visual and semantic organization, web design, GDPR, etc. spend several weeks, even months! 😱

And all the while, you're not focused on growing your business . You cannot fully devote yourself to running your business, improving your processes or better satisfying your customers.

Ultimately, it's not really a strategic choice for your business. 

Investing in the quality

of your website

is the best choice you can make to:

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grow your business

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naturally attract more customers

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develop your brand image

There is a difference between spending time and money

...and investing sustainably in your business brand.

Your savings are not realized on the cost of creating your website, but on the ROI (return on investment) of a high-performance, well-designed website, in line with your brand strategy, your objectives and expectations of your audience.


And that requires mobilizing specific skills, which come at a certain price! But this cost does not represent an expense... it is a lasting investment that will bear fruit for a long time. 

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Save your time and energy, let teA+M take care of the creation of your website , as you too have dreamed of.

By combining our expertise in


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and SEO Copywriting...

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Our teA+M tailor-make all the content of your website from A to Z.


We make your online presence a real comet of the Web, recognized as such by Google and your audience . Your texts are written and optimized for SEO , your images are worked graphically and your natural referencing is guaranteed.


We work your interface in a modern and dynamic way on the CMS of your choice (WordPress, Wix, Shopify, WooCommerce, SquareSpace, PrestaShop, etc.).

We support you step by step in the launch of your new digital life!


Here are our 3 unique offers for the creation of your website or e-commerce store. 


" Visibility"

on offer for 1577 €  

(instead of 1970 €)

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Here are all the services included in this exclusive Professional Web Pack:

  • 1 meeting (zoom call) framing the objectives for your project

  • Designing the content of your personalized website and integration on Wordpress or Wix*.

  • 3 PAGES:  

    • 1 homepage / landing page (approximately 1000 words / 10 images)

    • 1 “about” or "services" page (about 800 words / 4 images)

    • 1 Contact page with form (1 image)

    • including: integration of your legal pages (Cookies and Privacy Policy)

  • Optimizing your content for the web: SEO optimized writing (around 1800 words) + Web Design (responsive front-end design).

  • Processing of the images provided or selection of royalty-free images.

  • Personalized advice on branding and brand image development.

  • IN BONUS! The campaign to launch your new website on social networks: 2 personalized Facebook / Instagram posts in square format (visual + text)


* Price is excluding tax (EX VAT), CMS hosting and domain name fees.

Several options are possible according to your specific needs: we can make you a tailor-made offer.

Do you want to GO FURTHER by offering your products or services in an online store ?  


Get started in digital business with confidence: we design the content of your e-commerce site for you! 

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for 2477 € (Ex VAT)

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Pack eComm 100

Here are all the services included in this exclusive e-commerce Pack:

  • 1 meeting (zoom call) framing the objectives for your project

  • Designing the content of your eCommerce website and integration on Shopify or Woocommerce*.

  • 4 PAGES:

    • 1 landing page (800-1000 words / 10-15 images)

    • 1 About page (800 words / 2-3 images)

    • 1 Online Shop page (100 words per category / 3 categories max.)

    • 1 to 50 product pages  (100 word description / 1-2 images per product - provided by customer)

    • 1 Contact page with contact form

    • including: integration of your legal pages (Cookies and Privacy Policy)

  • Optimization of all your content for the web: SEO optimized Copywriting + Webdesign (responsive front-end design).

  • Photo processing provided, or free of rights, for a perfect graphic harmony

  • Quick rundown of how to manage your website via your dashboard / back-end

  • Personalized advice & consulting for the development of your brand image on the web

  • IN BONUS!  1 personalized social post to promote your new website on your Facebook/Instagram accounts.

  • IN BONUS!1 new cover image for your Facebook page.


* Price is excluding tax (EX VAT), CMS hosting and domain name fees.

Several options are possible according to your specific needs: we can make you a tailor-made offer.



for 3477 € (Ex VAT)

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Here are all the services included in this exclusive e-commerce Pack:

  • 1 meeting (zoom call) framing the objectives for your project

  • Designing the content of your eCommerce website and integration on Shopify or WooCommerce*.

  • 4 PAGES:

    • 1 homepage (800 words / 15 images + banners + e-shop links)

    • 1 page “about” / “our expertise” (800 words approx. / 2-3 images)

    • 1 Online Shop page (100 words per category / 6 categories max.)

    • 51 to 100 product pages (100 word description / 1-2 images per product - provided by customer)

    • 1 Contact page with contact form

    • including: integration of your legal pages (Cookies and Privacy Policy)

  • Optimization of all your content for the web: SEO optimized copywriting + Webdesign (responsive front-end design).

  • Photo processing provided, or royalty-free, for perfect graphic harmony

  • Quick rundown of how to manage your website via your dashboard / back-end

  • Personalized advice & consulting for the development of your brand image on the web

  • IN BONUS! 2 launch posts personalized to promote your new website on your social networks (visual + text)

  • IN BONUS!1 new cover imagefor your Facebook page.

* Price is excluding tax (EX VAT), CMS hosting and domain name fees.

Several options are possible according to your specific needs: we can make you a tailor-made offer.


Our special offers (and our production schedule) have limited places. And it fills up fast ... so make the most of it before it's too late.

You have the choice :


  • do everything by yourself and exhaust yourself with the task

  • settle for a mediocre site to make your business exist in the eyes of the world

  • stagnate in your acquisition of customers and new prospects online

Or :

  • aim higher and start writing your best story thanks to the magic of the Internet and digital communication.

  • build a branding strategy and a strong online presence for your business that will allow you to achieve your goals

  • start living your best life as an entrepreneur to the fullest today.

Give your business every chance of success!

We create the website of your dreams for you.


Contact us

to tell us about your project: it's 100% without obligation, absolutely free!

AM Studio Créatif


Located in Reunion, AM Studio Créatif specializes in comprehensive brand/web design and digital marketing solutions. Our services cater to entrepreneurs, course creators, and businesses seeking consistent monthly marketing support. We offer a range of tailored services including graphic design, custom logos & branding, website development, and management, social media strategy & content creation, community management, VA and funnel building services. With innovative content creation, and comprehensive digital strategy planning for both web and print, we elevate your brand's online presence with our holistic, results-driven approach. Book a Free Brand Audit Today.

© 2024 AM Studio Créatif, LLC.

All rights reserved.

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