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Order Branded Canva Templates For Your Social Media Marketing

We create for you, in your branding, a set of ready to use Canva Templates which you can use on repeat to create endless social media content for your business.


20 Canva Templates

300 € 

Getting Serious

35 Canva Templates

500 € 

Community Management

Done-for-you Monthly Packages
Increase Revenue In Your Business With Social Media Marketing

Do you want to strengthen your brand's notoriety on social networks and set up a winning digital marketing strategy to boost your turnover?

For this, there is a golden rule to ensure the success of your business on social networks:

  • Authentic and copy & content to establish authority

  • Quality graphic design of the visuals corresponding to your branding

  • Consistency of your publications to meet the expectations of your fans

  • Content Strategy to help you manage your social media marketing campaigns

You know it takes a long time to build and manage a remarkable online social media presence! An energy that you can channel to invest in the continued growth of your business ... if you choose to outsource your community management.


Our teA + M takes care of the creation and publication of your branded content for social media to give you maximum visibility on the Web! Quality branding, growing audiences and customer base, promoting your offers on a large scale, increasing qualified traffic on your website ...


All of this will be yours (almost) without you having to move a finger!

Here are our ultra-practical monthly packages for creating and managing your brand image on social media with complete peace of mind.


Free up your time and elevate your social media management

Do you need us to create your brand's content for you?


We create your monthly, ready-to-use marketing content for your social media: Stories, posts, reels, carousels...


Below you'll find full service Community Management Packages, including the graphic design AND copywriting of you texts and hashtags for all your captions! With publication and programming included obviously.

Order the

"Social Boost Pack"

and get a monthly Community Management package

3 posts per week + 1 day of Stories

18 publications on Facebook & Instagram

830 € / month

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  • 1 meeting, framing the objectives for your project

  • We create your content for your Social Media marketing for your Facebook & Instagram, 18 publications per month, including:

    • 3 posts per week on your feed : 1 Reel + 1 Carousel + 1 Static post

    • 1 day of Stories per week (3 animated images per story)

    • 1 custom-made and professional cover image (Facebook banner resized as an Instagram post in square format)

    • 1 editorial calendar for your Social Media Management (Trello)  

    • The programming of all your publications 

    • Your hashtag strategy

    • Reporting of page statistics

  • Our personalized advice in digital marketing strategy for the development of online presence.

  • The processing of your images * or selection of royalty-free images consistent with your visual identity.​

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Promote your brand image on social media and generate more results with Facebook Ads.

We create your social media content and manage your Ads Campaigns, so that you can grow your network!

Order the

"Social Magnet Pack"

and get a monthly Community Management package

posts per week + 2 days of Stories

27 publications on Facebook & Instagram

1090 € / month

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  • 1 meeting, framing the objectives for your project

  • We create your content for your Social Media marketing for your Facebook & Instagram, 27 publications per month, including:

    • 4 posts per week on your feed : 2 Reels + 1 Carousel + 1 Static post

    • 2 days of Stories per week (3 animated images per story)

    • 1 custom-made and professional cover image (Facebook banner resized as an Instagram post in square format)

    • 1 editorial calendar for your Social Media Management (Trello)  

    • The programming of all your publications 

    • Your hashtag strategy

    • Reporting of page statistics

  • Our personalized advice in digital marketing strategy for the development of online presence.

  • The processing of your images* or selection of royalty-free images consistent with your visual identity.​

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Order the

"Social Comet Pack"

and get a monthly Community Management package

5 posts per week + 2 days of Stories

31 publications on Facebook & Instagram

1490 € / month

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  • 1 meeting, framing the objectives for your project

  • We create your content for your Social Media marketing for your Facebook & Instagram, 31 publications per month, including:

    • 5 posts per week on your feed : 2 Reels + 2 Carousels + 1 Static post

    • 2 days of Stories per week (3 animated images per story)

    • 1 custom-made and professional cover image (Facebook banner resized as an Instagram post in square format)

    • 1 editorial calendar for your Social Media Management (Trello)  

    • The programming of all your publications 

    • Your hashtag strategy

    • Reporting of page statistics

  • Our personalized advice in digital marketing strategy for the development of online presence.

  • The processing of your images* or selection of royalty-free images consistent with your visual identity.​

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*If you don't have a professional image bank at your disposal, don't panic! We can create this precious library for you with the purchase of HD images! We adapt our offers to your needs and your budget: contact us to receive a tailor-made offer.

You will be able to be proud of making your social networks a real effective communication channel with your customers. Studio A + M designs the content of your dreams, with a strategy aligned with your company's objectives, values and key messages! Ready to take off your online business?

We support you in all your digital or print communication projects.

Tell us what you need. We are here to support you in boosting your social media!

AM Studio Créatif


Located in Reunion, AM Studio Créatif specializes in comprehensive brand/web design and digital marketing solutions. Our services cater to entrepreneurs, course creators, and businesses seeking consistent monthly marketing support. We offer a range of tailored services including graphic design, custom logos & branding, website development, and management, social media strategy & content creation, community management, VA and funnel building services. With innovative content creation, and comprehensive digital strategy planning for both web and print, we elevate your brand's online presence with our holistic, results-driven approach. Book a Free Brand Audit Today.

© 2024 AM Studio Créatif, LLC.

All rights reserved.

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