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6 steps to boost sales on your e-commerce store

Content marketing in e-commerce is essential. Do you want to produce content that differentiates you and encourages Internet users to buy continuously? Do you want to know how to communicate strategically and naturally develop the performance of your e-shop? Here's our "secret sauce" for creating the perfect content to boost your online store's sales. We use it daily at the Studio to create branded content for our clients. And right now, we're in the middle of it! We are working with passion on the launch of the chic and bohemian women's ready-to-wear online boutique Lignes & Textures. After having created its branding and built its brand image, we design the Lilas e-commerce site to continue to develop its activity. We wanted to share this experience with you with our best tips on how to create the perfect content to boost sales on your e-shop.

1. Focus on your ideal client

First and foremost, you should always create content according to your ideal client, your target. Your products must respond to their problems, their desires, their frustrations, their deepest desires... The more you know about the profile of your ideal customer, the more you will be able to design perfect messages and offers for him/her on your online store. Offers that will "speak" to him/her and make it easier for him/her to buy on your website.

Content ideas to create: Take inspiration from the journeys and problems faced by your loyal customers. Create attractive hooks such as: "You also face this type of problem", "Before, I was like this, now I am like this"...

2. Rely on brand content and brand values

Always follow this saying: "People don't buy products and services. They buy stories and magic" (Seth Godin). Rely on brand content to capture attention! More than advertisements, you want to offer people an experience and prove to them that you share their vision of the world and their everyday problems. Communicate often on your values, your mission, your goals. Long before price or quality, your brand values are a very powerful motivation to buy.

Content ideas to create: disseminate useful and practical recipes or information, create humorous or extraordinarily beautiful and well-designed content.

3. Create a connection with your audience

When creating social media content for an e-shop, we naturally tend to do a lot of product promotion. However, it is just as important to aim at creating a connection with your audience. Try to respect the "50% rule". Half of the content you create should be directly aimed at online sales (promotions, offers, focus on a special product, packs...) and the other half should be aimed at sharing advice and creating a link with your audience on related topics (sharing expertise, testimonials, life stories, mindset...)

Content ideas to create: talk about your experience, share inspiring stories, give expert advice, value testimonials and customer feedback...

4. Valuing social proof: reviews and testimonials

More than in any other field, e-commerce is a world where social proof is essential. Customer reviews and testimonials are made to create trust with your potential customers, reassure them and make them want to buy. Always collect a maximum of reviews and testimonials from your customers and publish them online, on your website, on your Facebook page, on Google My Business... Make it "special" content and talk about the story and the customer experience behind it. Goal: give proof of trust and create envy in your potential customer.

Ideas for content to create: positive customer review, gratitude testimonial, small kind exchange, satisfied feedback by email...

5. Prioritize your offers without spreading yourself too thin

In your business, there is always a product (or a range of products) that really "works" better than the others. To prioritize your offers and not spread yourself too thin, place the best-selling offer of your products first in your communication. All your calls to action (CTA) will be directed to it. Create 80% of your content around this main offer and sponsor advertising if you have the budget. In parallel, create "upsells" on your e-commerce site: when a customer buys a product, you systematically offer him complementary products (often cheaper) so that he stays in the purchase loop.

Ideas for content to create with CTA: Facebook video presenting your products, blog post sharing your brand expertise, Real valuing a customer journey ...

6. Track the conversion rate of your e-commerce site

And finally, don't forget to monitor your performance with Google Analytics or the traffic tracking feature of your CMS (Wix, Wordpress...). It's a habit to get into once a month! If you notice that your conversion rate is below 2%, you know that you need to optimize your content creation. This allows you to take stock of your online sales results, and to seek help if needed. Once you've taken stock, start a new cycle of content creation taking into account this new strategy... and using your creativity!

You now know how to create the perfect content to boost your e-shop more easily. With these tips, you'll be able to capture the attention of Internet users and attract them to your web pages. Once on your online store, it's all about getting them to take action with strong visuals and messages. For us, this is the secret to a successful brand! Need help to launch or develop your online business with an impactful branding and an eCommerce site? Our teA+M accompanies you in all the steps of your e-commerce website creation and branding project, just check out our Web Packs for all the juicy info!

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AM Studio Créatif


Located in Reunion, AM Studio Créatif specializes in comprehensive brand/web design and digital marketing solutions. Our services cater to entrepreneurs, course creators, and businesses seeking consistent monthly marketing support. We offer a range of tailored services including graphic design, custom logos & branding, website development, and management, social media strategy & content creation, community management, VA and funnel building services. With innovative content creation, and comprehensive digital strategy planning for both web and print, we elevate your brand's online presence with our holistic, results-driven approach. Book a Free Brand Audit Today.

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