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How do I create the perfect landing page on my website?

Updated: Jun 13

Your landing page is the first thing visitors see when they land on your website. Your homepage is the very first impression you make on them, and it has to be perfect. And 90% of your visitors will never get past the first few Google search results. So if your landing page doesn't convince them to stay on your site, they're gone - and probably won't come back. So the homepage is the most important asset of your online business site. But how do you create the perfect homepage for your website? How to make a homepage that naturally attracts your (good) future customers? Here are the 6 questions your homepage must always answer and the key branding elements to have on your website and make it perfect.

6 questions your landing page must answer

At a glance, your homepage should tell the visitor what your company or your website is all about. But it should also encourage them to go further and explore other content. The quality of the information there is very important. What is the purpose of my homepage? Does it answer all the questions my ideal clients want answered? And, more importantly, does it lead them to want to know more and then contact me or make a purchase through my site? Well, the following is going to help you find out the answers. Here are the 6 questions your landing page must answer.

1. Who are you? Your business

Start by presenting your business: your mission, your "why", how you serve your audience and the solutions you provide. You can add information about your profile, with a brief history and the purpose of your business. Explain why your skills - and/or those of your team members - meet the needs and desires of your target audience in a clear and simple way.

2. What do you offer? Your expertise

Then describe your expertise and your main areas of business in clear language. For example, at the Studio we are using "content writing", "graphic design" "website creation", "social media marketing". You can choose 2 to 5 main areas depending on your main assets and skills. If you have specifics compared to other companies in the same field, highlight them here. For example, if you're a graphic designer doing website design, mention it up front. You can use keywords, but be sure to keep the language natural, which makes sense to people who are not familiar with the technical terms used in your industry. In our example, it would be "writing your texts" instead of "copywriting" or "website creation" instead of "front-end webdesign".

3. Who are your targets? Your ideal clients... How do they benefit from your services or products? Your main offer

What type(s) of customers do you address? Men/women, age groups, field of activity, keywords... The more you know about the profile of your ideal clients, the more you will be able to explain how you can improve their lives. Show that you understand the challenges they face. Share the benefits of buying from you because you know the value of the amazing transformation you offer them.

4. How to benefit from your services or products? Your main offer

Make sure you have at least one call-to-action on your homepage. A good website should provide information about who you are, what makes you special, who can benefit from your products or services... but also AND ESPECIALLY how they can contact you, make an appointment or purchase. The call-to-action should be visible, eye-catching and clear. For example, if you are a freelance graphic & web designer, you can highlight that you specialize in logo creation + webdesign, and then include a call-to-action to discuss the individual project. Your visitors must be able to take action by clicking on a CTA button. And you must know where you are sending them to. Think about coordinating your homepage CTA with your sales funnel.

5. Why can we trust you? Testimonials

Include testimonials or positive feedback from your customers. Social proof builds up the trust and helps convert visitors into customers or leads. A good testimonial emphasizes the benefits you have brought to that client - even better if it has numbers. For example, "working with you has increased my sales by 30%". If you are just starting out, try to get reviews or testimonials from people who have worked with you in the past (even if not with your current company).

6. What are their next steps? Your CTA (call-to-action)

At the end of your homepage, don't forget to guide your visitors to the next step to take to stay in your funnel. If they didn't click before, the final CTA allows you to retain the visitor and continue to "communicate with them" by adding value. If possible, it should lead to a well-tuned other marketing channel of yours. It doesn't have to be a button, but it should be clearly visible and easy to understand. Here are some examples of final CTAs:

  • Follow me on social networks!

  • Don't hesitate to contact me for...

  • See our other special offers

  • Subscribe to our newsletter...

  • Watch our video tutorials...

  • Download our free ebook...

Your web branding elements on your homepage

Your homepage is your first opportunity to introduce yourself and your company to a potential customer. Your branding is the first thing they see and remember about you and your business. You have to leave them with the best thought! And to do that, you have to make a difference. Make a lasting impression. And that happens by putting forward your unique personality, with a strong brand identity. The best way to do this is to use your visual identity on the homepage and include branding in your approach to homepage design. Logo, photos, illustrations... your visual universe is as important as the words!

Here are some web branding elements to include on your site's homepage:

  • your logo and company name with your slogan that allows people to know directly in which field of activity you are and locate your value offer

  • the colors and typographies of your brand (the visual universe of your graphic charter) that you will use on all your other web pages

  • a banner or an eye-catching intro video, which you always put at the top of the site for display in the first few seconds

  • beautiful, professional photos of you, your team, your work environment, that show your company's personality to separate the different

  • quality photos/images or illustrations for your services/products, with a photo and a small summary.

  • social media icons (or a grid of posts) so they can follow you on social networks very easily.

As you can see, your website's landing page is your digital business card. It's where your visitors will get to know and understand what your company does. But also where they will be seduced and will want to dive into your world and contact your company. Much more than a simple shop window on the Web, your landing page is your best conversion tool! If you want to know more about the magic of content marketing to develop your business across the Web, read that! You have doubts about the efficiency of your landing page? Do you want to be guided to create the perfect homepage for your website? Discover our Digital Accelerator Pack, the all-in-one solution to create a beautiful, persuasive, attractive and above all effective website for your business.

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AM Studio Créatif


Located in Reunion, AM Studio Créatif specializes in comprehensive brand/web design and digital marketing solutions. Our services cater to entrepreneurs, course creators, and businesses seeking consistent monthly marketing support. We offer a range of tailored services including graphic design, custom logos & branding, website development, and management, social media strategy & content creation, community management, VA and funnel building services. With innovative content creation, and comprehensive digital strategy planning for both web and print, we elevate your brand's online presence with our holistic, results-driven approach. Book a Free Brand Audit Today.

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